I have a table of patients that were admitted and discharged from the hospital. I am trying to find any patients that have an admission within 30 days of their previous discharge date. So for example, I have the table:
Name | Admission Date | Discharge Date |
Patient A | 1/1/2021 | 1/5/2021 |
Patient A | 1/7/2021 | 1/10/2021 |
Patient B | 2/1/2021 | 2/4/2021 |
Then I would want to have a table of:
Name |
Patient A |
I am unsure of how to check the Discharge Date in row 1 against the Admission Date in row 2. I am using Microsoft SQL Server.
You can use lag()
select t.*
from (select t.*,
lag(discharge_date) over (partition by name order by admission_date) as prev_discharge_date
from t
) t
where prev_prev_discharge_date > dateadd(day, -30, admission_date)