I run a Microsoft SQL Server SELECT
query and have an issue trying to define a specific time range for that query every 6 hours (I am a newer user of SQL Server).
I have an external script calling this SQL Server database every 6 hours, so I only need the newly produced data from the previous 6 hours until the current time.
For example, if my script executes at 6:00pm PST, I only need the data between 12:00 P.M.- 6:00 P.M. for that current day (or the previous day if script cron job falls between a day range.
An example of my query is below
SELECT * FROM (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), GETUTCDATE(), 121 AS Current_SYSTEM_TIME, Table1.Column_11, Table1.Column_12, Table1.Column_13, Table2.Column_11, Table2.Column_12, Table2.Column_13, Table3.Column_11, Table3.Column_12, Table3.Column_13 FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON (Table1.Column_11 = Table2.Column_11) INNER JOIN Table3 ON (Table1.Column_11 = Table3.Column_11) WHERE Table3.Column_12 'pass') a WHERE Table3.Column_13 < 2 AND Current_SYSTEM_TIME BETWEEN DATEADD(day, -1, GETUTCDATE()) AND GETUTCDATE()
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Please try below WHERE
condition in your query with HOUR(hh)
....... ....... WHERE Table3.Column_13 < 2 AND <event_time> BETWEEN DATEADD(hh, -6, GETUTCDATE()) AND GETUTCDATE()
EDITED: As per your comment above! Please apply your where condition on <event_time>