this code works but seems like the results are off by 1 day
Objective: Find the datediff for the two dates given.
However, we will have to exclude
- Weekends
- Public Holiday
The difference between 2017-11-04 00:00:00 and 2017-11-22 10:21:00
Expected Results: 12.42 (Excluded 3 Saturdays & Sundays)
Current Results: 13.42
The code is not written by me, so i’m trying to understand it. I commented some parts that i am unclear as well.
/**This part is to find the difference in time for the two dates**/ DECLARE @temp AS DECIMAL(10,2) = CAST(DATEDIFF(hour, CONVERT(time, @StartDate), CONVERT(time, @ENDDate)) as Decimal(10,2))/24.00 Declare @numdays int=0 /**This part is to find the difference in date for the two dates**/ /**Issues likely to come from here**/ IF DATEDIFF(day,@StartDate,@ENDDate)>0 BEGIN WHILE DATEDIFF(day,@StartDate,@ENDDate)>0 BEGIN SET @StartDate=DATEADD(d,1,@StartDate) WHILE exists (SELECT Holiday_Date FROM Holiday where Holiday_Date=CONVERT(date, @StartDate)) or DATENAME(DW,@StartDate)='saturday' or DATENAME(DW,@StartDate)='sunday' BEGIN SET @StartDate=DATEADD(d,1,@StartDate) /**Exclude weekends and PH so we do not add numDays here **/ END SET @numDays=@numDays+1 END END /**Omitted some irrelevant codes here**/ /**Add both differences together to get final result**/ DECLARE @result AS DECIMAL(10,2) = @temp + @numDays RETURN @result
Was thinking to just correct the logic instead of rewriting the entire code. Thanks!
Like has been mentioned, the best way is to create a Calendar Table and then use the Working Days column, or whatever it is you called it, to calculate the difference.
This is pseudo-SQL, in the absence of a working Calendar Table, but should get you there:
SELECT YT.{YourColumn}, WD.WorkingDays FROM YourTable YT CROSS APPLY (SELECT COUNT(CT.DateKeyColumn) -1 AS WorkingDays --Minus 1, as we don't want to include the first day FROM CalendarTable CT WHERE CT.[DateColumn] >= YT.StartingDateColumn AND CT.[DateColumn] <= YT.EndingDateColumn AND CT.WorkingDay = 1) WD