I am selecting order data from my orders table with that I also need the order product’s count which contains a specific word
Account TopUp 200,
Account TopUp 500,
Account TopUp 1000,
The order contain multiple product means one order contains both(Account TopUp 200, Account TopUp 500) and other products
I made a subquery for this
( SELECT COUNT(orderprodid) FROM order_products WHERE orderorderid=orderid AND ordprodname like '%Account TopUp%' ) AS orderproductcount
But it gives Error: #1242 – Subquery returns more than 1 row
The full query is :
SELECT o.*, ( SELECT COUNT(messageid) FROM order_messages WHERE messageorderid=orderid ) AS nummessages, ( SELECT COUNT(messageid) FROM order_messages WHERE messageorderid=orderid AND messagestatus != 'read' ) AS numunreadmessages, ( SELECT COUNT(messageid) FROM order_messages WHERE messageorderid=orderid AND messagefrom='customer' AND messagestatus='unread' ) AS newmessages, ( SELECT orderproapi FROM order_products WHERE orderorderid=orderid ) AS orderproapi, ( SELECT COUNT(orderprodid) FROM order_products WHERE orderorderid=orderid AND ordprodname like '%Account TopUp%' ) AS orderproductcount FROM orders o LEFT JOIN customers c ON (o.ordcustid=c.customerid) LEFT JOIN order_status s ON (s.statusid=o.ordstatus)
The subquery you highlighted in your question actually doesn’t have any problem with it and won’t cause the error message you are seeing. But this subquery will:
( SELECT orderproapi FROM order_products WHERE orderorderid = orderid ) AS orderproapi,
This subquery will most likely return multiple records/values, and therefore makes no sense appearing in the SELECT
clause. Fix this problem and your query should work.