I have a table that looks like this:
Main table
id | bomname | styleid |
1 | bom1 | 101 |
2 | bom2 | 102 |
3 | bom3 | 103 |
this is detail table
Id | bomId | bomKey | bomValue |
1 | 1 | part | cllr |
2 | 1 | unit | kg |
3 | 1 | qty | 123 |
4 | 1 | part | body |
5 | 1 | unit | kg |
6 | 1 | qty | 456 |
7 | 2 | part | slm |
8 | 2 | unit | kg |
9 | 2 | qty | 789 |
10 | 3 | part | abc |
11 | 3 | unit | kg |
12 | 3 | qty | 789 |
13 | 3 | color | red |
I hope query styleid=101 show this data list using PIVOT
part | unit | qty | ids |
cllr | kg | 123 | [1,2,3] |
body | kg | 456 | [4,5,6] |
I hope query styleid=103 show this data list using PIVOT
part | unit | qty | color | ids |
abc | kg | 789 | red | [10,11,12,13] |
This is my SQL code:
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = '', @col_list nvarchar(max) = '' SET @col_list = (SELECT DISTINCT QUOTENAME(bomKey) + ',' FROM BomDetail FOR XML PATH('')) SET @col_list = LEFT(@col_list, LEN(@col_list) - 1) SET @sql = 'SELECT ' + @col_list + ' FROM (SELECT bomKey, bomValue FROM BomDetail) x PIVOT (MAX([bomValue]) FOR [bomKey] IN (' + @col_list + ') ) AS p' EXEC(@sql)
but now query returns only one row of data, how to modify my SQL code?
part | unit | qty |
body | kg | 456 |
Please try with this!
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) = '', @col_list nvarchar(max) = '' SET @col_list = (SELECT DISTINCT QUOTENAME(a.bomKey) + ',' FROM DetailTable a join MainTable b on (a.bomId = b.id) where b.styleid=101 --> CHANGE IT FOR XML PATH('')) SET @col_list = LEFT(@col_list, LEN(@col_list) - 1) If Object_id('Tempdb..#Details') is not null Drop Table #Details Create Table #Details (Seq Int, bomId Int,bomkey varchar(20), bomvalue varchar(20),id Int) Insert #Details select Row_Number() Over(Partition by d.bomkey Order by d.bomkey) Seq, d.bomId,d.bomkey, d.bomvalue,d.id from DetailTable d join MainTable m on (d.bomId = m.id) where styleid=101 --> CHANGE IT Order by 1 SET @sql = 'SELECT ' + @col_list + ',Ids FROM (select bomkey, bomvalue, ''['' + stuff((select '','' + cast(id as varchar(100)) from #Details b where b.seq = a.seq for xml path('''')),1,1,'''') + '']'' Ids from #Details a ) x PIVOT (MAX([bomvalue]) FOR [bomKey] IN ('+@col_list+') ) AS p' EXEC(@sql)
- Replace the StyleId in TWO Places in this code
- Replace with MainTable and DetailTable accordingly