With postgres I’m trying to get a single user and all their posts, but when I inner join the Users and Posts tables I receive this:
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PhotoPath | Username | username Name | user Biography | PicturePath | https://gourmetdemexico.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/diferencia-entre-arte-y-cultura-taco-gringo-600x600.jpg -[ RECORD 2 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PhotoPath | Username | username Name | user Biography | PicturePath | http://www.travelettes.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/mystery2-600x600.jpg
SELECT u."PhotoPath", u."Username", u."Name", u."Biography", p."PicturePath" FROM "Users" as u INNER JOIN "Posts" as p ON u."ID" = p."UserID" WHERE p."UserID" = 9;
I’m also trying to do the same thing but as a json
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- user | [{"photo" : null, "username" : "username", "name" : "user", "bio" : null}, {"photo" : null, "username" : "username", "name" : "user", "bio" : null}] pics | {https://gourmetdemexico.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/diferencia-entre-arte-y-cultura-taco-gringo-600x600.jpg,http://www.travelettes.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/mystery2-600x600.jpg}
SELECT json_agg(json_build_object( 'photo', u."PhotoPath", 'username', u."Username", 'name', u."Name", 'bio', u."Biografy" )) as user, array_agg(p."PicturePath") as pics FROM "Users" as u INNER JOIN "Posts" as p ON u."ID" = p."UserID" WHERE u."ID" = 9 GROUP BY p."UserID";
I know why but I don’t know how to avoid it, can someone help me to get something like this:
user | {"photo" : null, "username" : "username", "name" : "user", "bio" : null}, pics | [https://gourmetdemexico.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/diferencia-entre-arte-y-cultura-taco-gringo-600x600.jpg,http://www.travelettes.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/mystery2-600x600.jpg]
By doing this I resolve the issue:
WITH cte(j) AS ( SELECT jsonb_build_object( 'photo', "PhotoPath", 'username', "Username", 'name', "Name", 'bio', "Biography", 'posts', array_agg( "Posts"."PicturePath" ) ) FROM "Users" INNER JOIN "Posts" ON "Posts"."UserID" = "Users"."ID" WHERE "Users"."ID" = @ GROUP BY "Users"."ID" ) SELECT json_agg(j) as user FROM cte;