I have a key/value pair table
Create Table mat_characteristics ( material varchar(100), characteristic varchar(100), characteristic_value varchar(100) ) GO Insert into mat_characterstics values ('113567','height','20.3'), ('113567','weight','11.3'), ('113567','diameter','6.3'), ('113567','length','6.3'), ('113564','height','20.3'), ('113564','length','2.3'), ('113564','length','6.3'), ('113565','height','20.3'), ('113565','weight','11.3'), ('113565','weight','2.3'), ('113565','weight','7.3'), ('113565','diameter','6.3'), ('113565','length','6.3'), ('113545','height','20.3'), ('113545','weight','11.3'), ('113545','weight','2.3'), ('113545','weight','7.3'), ('113545','diameter','6.3'), ('113545','length','6.3');
If you see the 113565 and 113545 materials are having the same characteristics and characteristic_value. According to our business rules, no two materials should be having the same characteristics and characteristic_value. And in my real case scenario, materials sometimes will be having nearly 1000 characteristics.
please help me to get the bad records identified.
I tried making the rows into columns using this query but this is resulting in more than 1300 columns and I am not sure how to proceed after this
DECLARE @DynamicPivotQuery AS NVARCHAR(MAX) --@ColumnName is used to store the maximum number of column names DECLARE @ColumnName AS NVARCHAR(MAX) -- Creating temporary table select * into #tmpmat_characterstics from (select material, characterstic,characterstic_value,characterstic+cast(row_number() over (partition by material,characterstic order by characterstic) as varchar(45)) as ColumnSequence from mat_characterstics) mat_characterstics select @ColumnName= COALESCE(@ColumnName+ ', ','') + QUOTENAME(columnsequence) from ( select distinct columnsequence from #tmpmat_characterstics ) test set @DynamicPivotQuery= 'select material, ' +@ColumnName+ 'from #tmpmat_characterstics PIVOT ( max(characterstic_value) for ColumnSequence in (' +@ColumnName+ ') ) PIV' EXEC(@DynamicPivotQuery);
The simplest method is string_agg()
select characteristics, count(*), string_agg(material, ',') as materials from (select material, string_agg(concat(characteristic, ':', characteristic_value), ',') as characteristcs from mat_characteristics group by material ) m group by characteristics having count(*) > 1;