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Division with Aggregate Functions in SQL Not Behaving as Expected

I’m trying to do some crosstabs in SQL Server 2008 R2. That part is alright, however, if I try to get percentages for each cell, I run into a problem.

Here is a distilled use case: A survey where people give their favorite color and their favorite fruit. I’d like to know how many like a given fruit AND a given color:

with survey as (
    select 'banana' fav_fruit, 'yellow' fav_color
     union select 'banana', 'red'
     union select 'apple', 'yellow'
     union select 'grape', 'red'
     union select 'apple', 'blue'
     union select 'orange', 'purple'
     union select 'pomegranate', 'green'
          when s.fav_fruit = 'banana' then 1
          else 0
        end) as banana, 
           when s.fav_fruit = 'banana' then 1
           else 0
         end) / sum(1)   -- why does division always yield 0? "+", "-", and "*" all behave as expected.
         * 100 as banana_pct,
     sum(1) as total
    survey s
group by


fav_color   banana banana_pct  total
blue        0      0            1
green       0      0            1
purple      0      0            1
red         1      0            2
yellow      1      0            2

What I was expecting:

fav_color   banana banana_pct  total
blue        0      0           1
green       0      0           1
purple      0      0           1
red         1      50          2
yellow      1      50          2

Please help me to get what I was expecting?



You are using SQL Server. Here is a much simpler example that replicates the issue:

select 1/2

SQL Server does integer division.

Replace the denominator with something like sum(1.0) or sum(cast 1 as float) or sum(1e0) instead of sum(1).

Contrary to my expectation at least, SQL Server stores numbers with decimal points as numeric/decimal type (see here) rather than float. The fixed number of decimal spaces might affect subsequent operations.

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