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Distinct random time generation in the fixed interval

I’m trying to generate a random time between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM for each row that is selected from a data set, however, I always get the same random value for each row – I want it to be different for each row.

Table schema & data:

Сurrent SQL statement:

Current results (same time for each row in the [New Time] column):

Desired results (different time for each row in the [New Time] column):

Any ideas on how to fix this? All of the above is just sample data – my real table has around 2800 records (not sure if that will make a difference to anyone’s suggestions).



Interpretation of Original Question:

The question states:

  • Generate a random time between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM (i.e. a 12-hour window)
  • It should be different for each row (i.e. unique across all rows)
  • The real table has around 2800 records

Now factor in the following points:

  • Sample data shows only a single date
  • There are 86,400 seconds in 24 hours, hence 43,200 seconds in 12 hours

There is some ambiguity in the following areas:

  • What exactly is random within the context of “different for every row“, given that truly random values cannot be guaranteed to be different for every row. In fact, truly random numbers could theoretically be the same for every row. So is the emphasis on “random” or “different”? Or are we really talking about different but not sequentially ordered (to give the appearance of randomness without actually being random)?
  • What if there are ever more than 2800 rows? What if there are 1 million rows?
  • If there can be more than 43,200 rows, how to handle “different for each row” (since it is not possible to have unique across all rows)?
  • Will the date ever vary? If so, are we really talking about “different for each row per date“?
  • If “different for each row per date“:
    • Can the times for each date follow the same, non-sequential pattern? Or does the pattern need to differ per each date?
    • Will there ever be more than 43,200 rows for any particular date? If so, the times can only be unique per each set of 43,200 rows.

Given the information above, there are a few ways to interpret the request:

  1. Emphasis on “random”: Dates and number of rows don’t matter. Generate truly random times that are highly likely, but not guaranteed, to be unique using one of the three methods shown in the other answers:
    • @notulysses: RAND(CAST(NEWID() AS VARBINARY)) * 43200
    • @Steve Ford: ABS(CHECKSUM(NewId()) % 43201)
    • @Vladimir Baranov : CAST(43200000 * (CAST(CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(4) as int) / 4294967295.0 + 0.5) as int)
  2. Emphasis on “different for each row”, always <= 43,200 rows: If the number of rows never exceeds the number of available seconds, it is easy to guarantee unique times across all rows, regardless of same or different dates, and appear to be randomly ordered.
  3. Emphasis on “different for each row”, could be > 43,200 rows: If the number of rows can exceed the number of available seconds, then it is not possible to guarantee uniqueness across all rows, but it would be possible to still guarantee uniqueness across rows of any particular date, provided that no particular date has > 43,200 rows.

Hence, I based my answer on the idea that:

  • Even if the number of rows for the O.P. never exceeds 2800, it is more likely that most others who are encountering a similar need for randomness would have a larger data set to work with (i.e. there could easily be 1 million rows, for any number of dates: 1, 5000, etc.)
  • Either the sample data is overly simplistic in using the same date for all 5 rows, or even if the date is the same for all rows in this particular case, in most other cases that is less likely to happen
  • Uniqueness is to be favored over Randomness
  • If there is a pattern to the “seemingly random” ordering of the seconds for each date, there should at least be a varying offset to the start of the sequence across the dates (when the dates are ordered sequentially) to give the appearance of randomness between any small grouping of dates.


If the situation requires unique times, that cannot be guaranteed with any method of generating truly random values. I really like the use of CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM by @Vladimir Baranov, but it is nearly impossible to get a unique set of values generated:

Increasing the random value to 8 bytes does seem to work:

Of course, if we are generating down to the second, then there are only 86,400 of those. Reducing the scope seems to help as the following does occasionally work:

However, things get a bit trickier if the uniqueness needs per each day (which seems like a reasonable requirement of this type of project, as opposed to unique across all days). But a random number generator isn’t going to know to reset at each new day.

If it is acceptable to merely have the appearance of being random, then we can guarantee uniqueness per each date without:

  • looping / cursor constructs
  • saving already used values in a table
  • using RAND(), NEWID(), or CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM()

The following solution uses the concept of Modular Multiplicative Inverses (MMI) which I learned about in this answer: generate seemingly random unique numeric ID in SQL Server . Of course, that question did not have a tightly-defined range of values like we have here with only 86,400 of them per day. So, I used a range of 86400 (as “Modulo”) and tried a few “coprime” values (as “Integer”) in an online calculator to get their MMIs:

  • 13 (MMI = 39877)
  • 37 (MMI = 51373)
  • 59 (MMI = 39539)

I use ROW_NUMBER() in a CTE, partitioned (i.e. grouped) by CREATED_DATE as a means of assigning each second of the day a value.

But, while the values generated for seconds 0, 1, 2, … and so on sequentially will appear random, across different days that particular second will map to the same value. So, the second CTE (named “WhichSecond”) shifts the starting point for each date by converting the date to an INT (which converts dates to a sequential offset from 1900-01-01) and then multiply by 101.


If we want to only generate times between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM, we only need to make a few minor adjustments:

  1. Change the range (as “Modulo”) from 86400 to half of it: 43200
  2. Recalculate the MMI (can use the same “coprime” values as “Integer”): 39539 (same as before)
  3. Add 28800 to the second parameter of the DATEADD as an 8 hour offset

The result will be a change to just one line (since the others are diagnostic):

Another means of shifting each day in a less predictable fashion would be to make use of RAND() by passing in the INT form of CREATED_DATE in the “WhichSecond” CTE. This would give a stable offset per each date since RAND(x) will return the same value y for the same value of x passed in, but will return a different value y for a different value of x passed in. Meaning:

RAND(1) = y1
RAND(2) = y2
RAND(3) = y3
RAND(2) = y2

The second time RAND(2) was called, it still returned the same value of y2 that it returned the first time it was called.

Hence, the “WhichSecond” CTE could be:

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