Display total count of students enrolled in all subjects and helping material is
student (rollNumber, Sfname, Slname, email,phone) Subjects(Subid, subTitle, credit_hrs) std_sub(rollNUmber (fk from student), subid(fk frim subjects), session, sectionID)
and I wrote query
select subTitle,Subid,rollNumber,rollNUmber from student s join std_sub st on s.rollNumber=st.rollNUmber join subjects sub on sub.subid=st.subid
But it still needs modification
If I get you correctly then you want to find out total_students
per subject.
which will display number of students enrolled in each subject and any subject has no students then it will show 0 as student count
select subTitle, Subid, coalesce(count(st.rollNumber), 0) as total_students from subjects sub left join std_sub st on sub.subid = st.subid left join student s on st.rollNumber = s.rollNUmber group by subTitle, Subid
Students with no enrollment
select rollNumber, Sfname, Slname from student where rollNumber not in ( select distinct rollNumber from std_sub )