I have input column name
Ahar Aris Suchi Doll Dipti
I want the output to be with two columns
FirstLetter TotalsWordsWithThatLetter
A Ahar, Aris S Suchi D Doll,Dipti
I know recursive CTE/stuff function will be of help. But unable to write complete code.
This is how you can do it.
Declare a temp table with char and name, then using substring function of sql put the first character and name in the table. From there you can group the results.
Here is the sample for you for mssql server
declare @tbl table(ch char(1), name nvarchar(50)) insert into @tbl select ( SELECT SUBSTRING(e.address, 1, 1)),address from Emp2 e select ch,name From @tbl group by ch, name select distinct t.[ch], STUFF((SELECT distinct ', ' + t1.name from @tbl t1 where t.[ch] = t1.[ch] FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,2,'') department from @tbl t