So I try to print a message when I have any confirmation or error. I have this table [Friendship] that have the ID, friend mail, their mail and the date that have been confirm the friendship,
Table without data
Create PROCEDURE dbo.pFriendship @Usermail varchar(50), @Friendmail varchar(50) As if((Select COUNT(1) From Friendship) < 50) begin if(@Usermail = @Friendmail) begin print 'You can not be your friend.'; end else begin begin TRAN Insert Into Friendship (Date, Mail, Friend_Mail) VALUES (CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE()), @Usermail, @Friendmail) if(@@ERROR <> 0) begin print 'Fail!'; end print 'User ' + @Usermail+ ' is now friend of ' + @Friendmail; commit TRAN; end end else begin print 'You can not have more friends.'; end
When I use the EXEC for this PROCEDURE, I have the insert values, but not the print´s acctions… Also, If I try to use the same mails, also insert the values. Didnt check the condition
EXEC dbo.pFriendship '', ''
Confirm insert without any use of Print of my PROCEDURE
What I was hoping for is like
(1 row affected) User is now friend of ...
Or the error at @@ERROR
or the equals mails error (if applied)
Just remove the last else
Create PROCEDURE dbo.pFriendship @Usermail varchar(50), @Friendmail varchar(50) As if((Select COUNT(1) From Friendship) < 50) begin if(@Usermail = @Friendmail) begin print 'You can not be your friend.'; end else begin begin TRAN Insert Into Friendship (Date, Mail, Friend_Mail) VALUES (CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE()), @Usermail, @Friendmail) if(@@ERROR <> 0) begin print 'Fail!'; end print 'User ' + @Usermail+ ' is now friend of ' + @Friendmail; commit TRAN; end end begin print 'You can not have more friends.'; end