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Deleting Mode Analytics Bridge Connector

After installing the Mode Analytics Bridge Connector for a remote MySQL database I decided to use another type of connection.

I installed this .pkg and ran this code:

/usr/local/mode/bin/mode-bridge-config -init OGU2NGNmYWUxOWFmOjQxYmZhZDhmOWM5ZGRlNGE3Nzk1OTYyYUBodHRwczovL21vZGVhbmFseXRpY3MuY29tL2FwaS9kb21lZGlhL2JyaWRnZXMvc2V0dXA=

from this page, which won’t load without an account with Mode.

Now I want to completely remove everything installed by that .pkg and undo everything done by that code.

I already removed .modeanalytics. What else should I do?



Removing the Mode Analytics Bridge on OSX is a bit of work because Apple doesn’t provide a way to remove packages installed with their installer. You need to remove more than the .modeanalytics directory.

Here are the steps needed:

  1. launchctl stop com.modeanalytics.bridge
  2. launchctl unload $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents/com.modeanalytics.bridge.plist
  3. rm -rf $HOME/.modeanalytics/*
  4. rm -rf /usr/local/mode
  5. rm /var/db/receipts/
  6. rm /var/db/receipts/com.modeanalytics.mode-bridge.plist

Let me know if that doesn’t work for you!

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