I migrated a file logger to log to the database instead of to disk. This caused many duplicates in the database, whereas on disk the file would have just gotten overwritten. I want to delete all the “not newest” rows given a specific filename, what SQL would do this given the following table:
The table: log_rules
The columns: log_rules_id, file_name, file_data, create_date
I’m using SQL Server.
Pseudo SQL:
delete from log_rules where "is not neweset with file_name"
I’m trying to avoid the error where the “in clause” can’t have more than 2k entries.
One method uses an updatable CTE:
with todelete as (
select lr.*,
row_number() over (partition by file_name order by create_date desc) as seqnum
from log_rules
delete from todelete
where seqnum > 1;