I have a SQL table (in BigQuery) with possible duplicated rows. The table has over 20 columns, some of them are nested (data type “STRUCT)”. I want to deduplicate the table.
I can’t simply query SELECT DISTINCT *
because I get an error
Query error: Column options of type STRUCT cannot be used in SELECT DISTINCT
So far, I tried to create a unique ID based on a hash of certain columns.
I have now this unique ID (called sha256
), but I can’t figure out a way of selecting only rows with unique hash.
I tried to GROUP BY
, but it doesn’t work with STRUCT
type, and I tried also to INNER JOIN
with a table containing only unique hashed, but I get duplicates also.
For reference, here are 2 example rows of the dataset:
{ "sha256": "un2k3TUtzwzmQMvxfrjztsh/A/GW3WWzV4U4CezqceA=", "has_phone": true, "options": { "sub_toplist": true, "gallery": false, "urgent": false, "has_option": true, "photosup": true, "booster": false }, "calendar": { "dates": null }, "owner": { "siren": null, "pro_rates_link": null, "user_id": "f0d94687-1a24-4ed4-8adb-7faded053ca8", "type": "private", "no_salesmen": true, "name": "marius", "store_id": "5022456" }, "location": { "feature": { "properties": null, "geometry": { "coordinates": [ "9.41733", "42.54701" ], "type": "Point" }, "type": "Feature" }, "is_shape": true, "provider": "here", "lng": "9.41733", "lat": "42.54701", "zipcode": "20290", "city_label": "Lucciana 20290", "city": "Lucciana", "region_name": "Corse", "department_name": null, "source": "city", "department_id": "0", "region_id": "9" }, "attributes": { "pro_rates_link": null, "immo_sell_type": "old", "ges": "a", "square": "92", "rooms": "4", "energy_rate": "b", "is_import": false, "custom_ref": null, "lease_type": "sell", "real_estate_type": "1", "fai_included": null, "type_real_estate_sale": null }, "price_calendar": null, "price": [ "270000" ], "body": "text", "url": "https://www.example.fr/ventes_immobilieres/1729537955.htm", "category_name": "Ventes immobilières", "category_id": "9", "images": { "urls_thumb": [ "https://img3.example.fr/ad-thumb/d63e236ce3546906b3ce661640a7cf858d0a0593.jpg" ], "urls": [ "https://img3.example.fr/ad-image/ac6bd9ce0cc3aa507727ddece51f437d77ae4cfa.jpg", ], "nb_images": "7", "small_url": "https://img3.example.fr/ad-small/ac6bd9ce0cc3aa507727ddece51f437d77ae4cfa.jpg", "thumb_url": "https://img3.example.fr/ad-thumb/ac6bd9ce0cc3aa507727ddece51f437d77ae4cfa.jpg" }, "ad_type": "offer", "first_publication_date": "2020-01-02 15:00:46 UTC", "status": "active", "subject": "Villa à Lucciana", "index_date": "2020-01-16 15:00:45 UTC", "expiration_date": "2020-03-02 15:00:46 UTC", "list_id": "1729537955" }, { "sha256": "wCMrggkqSJ3PgbkuWAgBpCMtFfkJDRlz6TOeO5Nngsg=", "has_phone": true, "options": { "sub_toplist": false, "gallery": false, "urgent": false, "has_option": false, "photosup": false, "booster": false }, "calendar": { "dates": null }, "owner": { "siren": null, "pro_rates_link": null, "user_id": "ae0f432d-0aa2-4828-a20b-3472255588b4", "type": "private", "no_salesmen": true, "name": "M.Milleliri", "store_id": "12132533" }, "location": { "feature": { "properties": null, "geometry": { "coordinates": [ "9.1917", "41.54506" ], "type": "Point" }, "type": "Feature" }, "is_shape": true, "provider": "here", "lng": "9.1917", "lat": "41.54506", "zipcode": "20146", "city_label": "Sotta 20146", "city": "Sotta", "region_name": "Corse", "department_name": null, "source": "city", "department_id": "0", "region_id": "9" }, "attributes": { "pro_rates_link": null, "immo_sell_type": "old", "ges": "Non renseigné", "square": null, "rooms": null, "energy_rate": "Non renseigné", "is_import": false, "custom_ref": null, "lease_type": "sell", "real_estate_type": "3", "fai_included": null, "type_real_estate_sale": null }, "price_calendar": null, "price": [ "100000" ], "body": "text", "url": "https://www.example.fr/ventes_immobilieres/1736199673.htm", "category_name": "Ventes immobilières", "category_id": "9", "images": { "urls_thumb": [ "https://img3.example.fr/ad-thumb/4f3632dc8e5c50075aa6c6e4b559e2042546f009.jpg" ], "urls": [ "https://img3.example.fr/ad-image/4f3632dc8e5c50075aa6c6e4b559e2042546f009.jpg" ], "urls_large": [ "https://img3.example.fr/ad-large/4f3632dc8e5c50075aa6c6e4b559e2042546f009.jpg" ], "nb_images": "1", "small_url": "https://img3.example.fr/ad-small/4f3632dc8e5c50075aa6c6e4b559e2042546f009.jpg", "thumb_url": "https://img3.example.fr/ad-thumb/4f3632dc8e5c50075aa6c6e4b559e2042546f009.jpg" }, "ad_type": "offer", "first_publication_date": "2020-01-16 14:21:05 UTC", "status": "active", "subject": "Terrain 1250 m2 Sotta", "index_date": "2020-01-16 14:21:05 UTC", "expiration_date": "2020-03-16 14:21:05 UTC", "list_id": "1736199673" }
and the query I’m working on so far:
WITH table_unique_hash AS ( SELECT DISTINCT(SHA256(CONCAT(FORMAT_TIMESTAMP('%Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S_', index_date), CAST(list_id AS STRING)))) AS sha256 FROM `test_bucket_data.daily_table`), table_hashed AS ( SELECT SHA256(CONCAT(FORMAT_TIMESTAMP('%Y/%m/%d_%H:%M:%S_', index_date), CAST(list_id AS STRING))) AS sha256, * FROM `test_bucket_data.daily_table`) SElECT * FROM table_hashed limit 10;
A solution would be to find a way of inner join the table_hashed
and the table_unique_hash
on the sha256 column…
Thanks for your help!
I found a workaround based on this topic. The combination of GROUP BY
and ANY
function for all the STRUCT columns made it work!
SELECT has_phone, ANY_VALUE(options) as options, ANY_VALUE(calendar) as calendar, ANY_VALUE(owner) as owner, ANY_VALUE(location) as location, ANY_VALUE(attributes) as attributes, price_calendar, price, body, url, category_name, category_id, ANY_VALUE(images) as images, ad_type, first_publication_date, status, subject, index_date, expiration_date, list_id, FROM `{table_name}` Group by has_phone, price_calendar, price, body, url, category_name, category_id, ad_type, first_publication_date, status, subject, index_date, expiration_date, list_id
Note: my “price” field was previously an array
; I transformed it in my source json to an int