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dbGetQuery unavailable for noctua::athena

I connected RStudio to Amazon Athena, and the database connection was successful.

con <- dbConnect(noctua::athena(),
                 aws_access_key_id = "***",
                 aws_secret_access_key = "***",
                 s3_staging_dir = "s3://bucket-folder/",
                 region_name = '***')

However, when I attempt to use dbGetQuery(), I receive the following error message despite having DBI installed.

This is the code that I am running.

querytest <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM database.table")
# Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  : unable to find an inherited method
# for function ‘dbSendQuery’ for signature ‘"AthenaConnection", "character"’.

What am I doing wrong in this situation?



Hi @datascientist2117,

I am the author of noctua. Currently I am unable to replicate your issue. I believe their is a conflict with one of your packages you have running in your R session. I am more than happy to problem solve this 🙂 please raise a ticket at:

noctua makes it’s connection to AWS Athena through the R SDK paws. Which is similar to how python’s boto3 connects to AWS Athena. noctua documentation is store on it’s github page:

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