Im reading data from a tsv-file to a postgresql table. The problem I have is that in one column (death year) it is either a year or N if the actor is not dead yet. If i try to use INTEGER as data type I get an error because of the N. Do anyone know how to solve this?
This is my table:
CREATE TABLE name_mock(nconst VARCHAR, primaryName VARCHAR, birthYear INTEGER, deathYear INTEGER, primaryProfession VARCHAR, knownForTitles VARCHAR);
Then I import the data from the csv-file:
COPY name_mock FROM '/home/pathtofile/name.basics.tsv' DELIMITER E't' CSV HEADER;
And I get the following error:
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type integer: "N"
CONTEXT: COPY name_mock, line 4, column deathyear: "N"
Thank you.
takes a parameter, NULL
Please try this:
COPY name_mock FROM '/home/pathtofile/name.basics.tsv' DELIMITER E't' NULL 'N' CSV HEADER;