I have this table(called trial):
a, id1, year1, year2, val1, val2
1, A01, 2015, 2025, 17.20, 18.30
2, A02, 2014, 2024, 13.20, 7.80
3, A04, 2013, 2024, 10.00, 10.00
4, A03, 2024, 2014, 12.20, 8.80
5, A05, 2024, 2014, 0.00, 6.00
‘year1’ refers to values in Column ‘val1’, ‘year2’ to values in Column ‘val2’.
I want to get totals of all values grouped by year.
So I would like to see a result like:
Year Value per year
2013 10.0
2014 28.0
2015 17.2
2024 30.0
2025 18.3
I set up a common table expression(cte) using a self join to do this as follows:
SELECT t1.year1, t2.year2, t1.val1, t2.val2, t1.val1+t2.val2 AS val_tot FROM trial t1 FULL OUTER JOIN trial t2 ON t1.year1 = t2.year2 GROUP BY t1.year1;
(The first four output columns are added to get clarity concerning what is going on)
The output is:
year1 year2 val1 val2 val_tot
2013 NULL 10.0 NULL NULL
NULL 2025 NULL 18.3 NULL
2015 NULL 17.2 NULL NULL
2014 2014 13.2 6.0 19.2
2024 2024 0.0 7.8 7.8
The output is obviously just not correct.
I have tried modifications to the SELECT statement above such as changing the JOIN type, changing the GROUP BY clause or leaving it out, and adding a WHERE clause, without success. I have Googled and read websites with no success as I can’t get a similar example although there must be many identical questions.
Many thanks for any help.
If I understand, you want to unpivot and then aggregate. One method is:
select year, sum(val)
from ((select year1 as year, val1 as val from trial t) union all
(select year2, val2 from trial t)
) t
group by year
order by year;