DataBase movies.db
directors (movie_id, person_id)
movies (id, title, year)
people (id, name, birth)
ratings (movie_id, rating, votes)
stars (movie_id, person_id)
you can download the database.
I’m new in programming, so I decided, to begin with, CS50 Harvard course here is the problem and the test solution:
In 13.sql, write a SQL query to list the names of all people who starred in a movie in which Kevin Bacon also starred. Your query should output a table with a single column for the name of each person. There may be multiple people named Kevin Bacon in the database. Be sure to only select the Kevin Bacon born in 1958. Kevin Bacon himself should not be included in the resulting list.
solution hint
Executing 13.sql results in a table with 1 column and 176 rows.
executing code in PowerShell or bash
cat 13.sql | sqlite3 movies.db
My Code:
SELECT COUNT(name) FROM people JOIN stars ON stars.person_id = JOIN movies ON = stars.movie_id WHERE IN( SELECT stars.person_id FROM stars GROUP BY stars.person_id HAVING name = "Kevin Bacon");
when I execute code it stop working, I can’t choose stars with Kevin
Get values in top-bottom hierarchy but make sure that you’re searching for it in the correct domain. GET the name which is the first thing needed but search for it in the correct domain which is dependent on person_id, in turn to movie_id. Finally to invoke the condition, we’ve to recall as the condition is dependent on data in the people table. It’s essential to do the needed JOINs at each step.
To remove Kevin Bacon from results, you can use the EXCEPT keyword and specifically choose him in the other query.
SELECT name FROM people WHERE IN ( SELECT person_id FROM stars JOIN movies ON = stars.movie_id WHERE movie_id IN ( SELECT movie_id FROM movies JOIN stars ON stars.movie_id = JOIN people ON = stars.person_id WHERE IN ( SELECT id FROM people WHERE = "Kevin Bacon" AND people.birth = 1958 ))) EXCEPT SELECT name FROM people WHERE = "Kevin Bacon" AND people.birth = 1958