I created a function to return a rental ID that is then used in an anonymous PL/SQL program that calculates the total cost of the rental given the price of the tool rented and the number of time units it was rented for. (ex. $5 tool rented for 4 hours = $20 rental total).
The code to create the function is:
create or replace function return_rentalID (rental_id rental.rid%type)
return integer is
returned_rentalID integer;
select rid
into returned_rentalID
from rental
where rental_id = rental.rid;
return returned_rentalID;
then dbms_output.put_line('Rental ID Not Found');
return -1;
The code to call the function is:
returned_rentalID integer;
units rental.num_unit%type;
unit_price tool_price.price%type;
rental_id rental.rid%type;
returned_rentalID := return_count(1);
if returned_rentalID > 0 then
select num_unit
into units
from rental
where rid = returned_rentalID;
select tp.price
into unit_price
from tool_price tp, rental r
where tp.tid = r.tid
and tp.tuid = r.tuid
and rid = returned_rentalID;
dbms_output.put_line('The Total Cost of this rental is $' || unit_price * units);
else dbms_output.put_line('Rental ID Not Found');
end if;
The program works properly if I use rental ID 1 as the parameter or any rental ID that doesn’t exist; however, for all of the other valid rental ID’s, I still get the same total is when passing rental ID 1.
Does anyone have an idea of what’s causing this? I know that using a function to return the rental ID (returned_rentalID) is redundant and not necessary; however, this is an exercise to become comfortable creating and calling functions so it’s necessary.
I really, truly appreciate any insight provided!
Below is some sample code for the tables I’m using:
create table tool_price
(tid int, --- too id
tuid int, --- time unit id
price number,
primary key(tid,tuid),
foreign key(tid) references tool,
foreign key(tuid) references time_unit
--- mower, $20 per 4 hours. $30 per day
insert into tool_price values(1,1,5.00);
insert into tool_price values(1,2,30);
insert into tool_price values(1,3,120);
insert into tool_price values(2,1,7.00);
insert into tool_price values(2,2,40);
insert into tool_price values(2,3,160);
insert into tool_price values(3,1,6.00);
insert into tool_price values(3,2,32);
insert into tool_price values(3,3,125);
insert into tool_price values(4,1,7.00);
insert into tool_price values(4,2,40);
insert into tool_price values(4,3,160);
create table rental
rid int, --- rental id
cid int, --- customer id
tid int, --- tool id
tuid int, --- time unit id
num_unit int, --- number of units, if unit = 1 hour, num_unit = 5 means 5 hours.
start_time timestamp, -- rental start time
end_time timestamp, --- suppose rental end_time
return_time timestamp,--- actual return time
credit_card varchar(20),
total number, --- total charge
primary key (rid),
foreign key(cid) references cust,
foreign key(tid) references tool,
foreign key(tuid) references time_unit
-- John rented a mower for 4 hours,
insert into rental values(1,1,1,1,4,timestamp '2019-08-01
-- susan rented a small carpet cleaner for one day
insert into rental values(2,2,3,2,1,timestamp '2019-08-11
--susan also rented a small mower for 5 hours, before 8 am case
insert into rental values(3,2,1,1,5,timestamp '2019-08-12
--david also rented a small carpet cleaner for 4 hours, after 10 pm case
insert into rental values(4,3,3,1,4,timestamp '2019-08-13
First of all, thanks for including sample data. I changed your second select statement into an ANSI join and received different values for 1,2,and3:
SELECT tp.price
INTO unit_price
FROM tool_price tp
INNER JOIN rental r ON tp.tid = r.tid AND tp.tuid = r.tuid
WHERE rid = returned_rentalid;
I could not fully duplicate your results as there is no return_count function included in your example.