I am needing to change the ending number of the table name in a loop to go from 1 through 12. This is a more straight forward example of my actual problem, but if this can be solved, then I can duplicate the results later on (Actual problem is using the past 12 months on a rolling basis for a report and all of the individual months are stored by themselves). I know I can create a string query with each query being unioned to the other, but I still have to edit all 12 queries when a change is needed. I am looking for a more efficient process.
Declare @Query VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @i INT CREATE TABLE #Accounts (Account varchar(10)) SET @i = 1 WHILE @i <= 12 BEGIN Select @Query = 'Select COUNT(ACCT) From dbo.table_'+quotename(@i) INSERT INTO #Accounts EXEC(@Query) SET @i = @i + 1; END; SELECT Account FROM #Accounts
When I run this code, I get invalid object names for the table because it doesn’t attached the number to the end of the name. Will this be possible using a while loop or will I have to start looking into cursors?
Your QUOTENAME should be around the entire table name.
Declare @Query VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @i INT CREATE TABLE #Accounts (Account varchar(10)) SET @i = 1 WHILE @i <= 12 BEGIN print quotename(@i) Select @Query = 'Select COUNT(ACCT) From dbo.'+quotename('table_'+convert(nvarchar,@i)) INSERT INTO #Accounts EXEC(@Query) SET @i = @i + 1; END; SELECT Account FROM #Accounts