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Create view with JSON array based on many to many table

I have a typical table with users. I have also a many to many table where first column is UserId and second BusinessId. I want to create a view with users where their businessId will be as json.

I tried something like this:

    ISNULL(CAST(u.[Id] AS INT), 0) AS [Id]
    ,(SELECT BusinessId FROM [TableA].[dbo].[user_business_entities] WHERE UserId = u.Id FOR JSON AUTO) AS BusinessEntityIds
    [TableA].[dbo].[core_users] u

But in view I get this:

Id BusinessEntityIds
1 [{“BusinessId”:1925},{“BusinessId”:1926}]
2 [{“BusinessId”:15}]

It’s pretty good, but it would be best if json had only values, no key name i.e only ids without “BusinessId”:

Id BusinessEntityIds
1 [1925, 1926]
2 [15]

How can I do this?



Two quick options: First is for <=2016 and the 2nd is 2017+

Never understood why MS never provided this functionality of a simple ARRAY.

Option 1 <=2016

Select ID
      ,BusinessEntityIds = '['+stuff((Select concat(',',BusinessEntityIds)  
                                       From  YourTable 
                                       Where ID=A.ID
                                       For XML Path ('')),1,1,'')+']'

    From  YourTable A
    Group By ID

Option 2 2017+

select ID,
       BusinessEntityIds = '['+string_agg(BusinessEntityIds, ',') +']'
from YourTable
group by ID

Both Results Are

ID  BusinessEntityIds
1   [1925,1926]
2   [15]
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