i have 4 tables and i want to create a trigger that it declares a table and store it all in that table so it can be compared latter.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `inventory` ( `id_product` INT(4) ZEROFILL NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `model` varchar(45) NOT NULL, `price_new` FLOAT DEFAULT '0', `launch_date` DATE NOT NULL, `stock` INT DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id_product`)); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `order` ( `id_order` INT(4) ZEROFILL NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `id_customer` INT(6) ZEROFILL NOT NULL, `subtotal` FLOAT DEFAULT '0', `discount` float DEFAULT '0', `tax_rate` float DEFAULT '0.23', `total` float DEFAULT '0', `date` DATETIME DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY (`id_order`), CONSTRAINT `fk_order_1` FOREIGN KEY (`id_customer`) REFERENCES `iSAVE`.`customer` (`id_customer`) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE CASCADE); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `order_item` ( `id_order_item` INT(4) ZEROFILL NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `id_product` INT(4) ZEROFILL NOT NULL, `id_order` INT(4) ZEROFILL NOT NULL, `quantity` INT DEFAULT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (`id_product`) REFERENCES `iSAVE`.`inventory` (`id_product`), FOREIGN KEY (`id_order`) REFERENCES `iSAVE`.`order` (`id_order`) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `transaction` ( `id_transaction` INT(4) ZEROFILL NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, `id_order` INT(4) ZEROFILL NOT NULL, `status` char(20) default 'Not completed', FOREIGN KEY (`id_order`) REFERENCES `iSAVE`.`order` (`id_order`) );
In here are the tables that im using. But now i have a trigger that after insert on orders it inserts on transactions. My objective now its to create a trigger that generates a table that takes order and order item and store id_product id_order and quantity so it can be used to after update on transaction the stock is changed on the respective items on tabel inventory.
This is the trigger that i have so far but i cant use it because i dont rly know how to declare a table in mysql:
delimiter $$ CREATE TRIGGER trigg1 after update on `transaction` for each row BEGIN declare @item TABLE( id_order int, id_product int, quantity int); update inventory i join @item it using (id_product) set i.stock = i.stock - it.quantity where it.id_order = new.id_order; end $$ delimiter ;
You can’t you have to use a temporaRY TABLE
delimiter $$ CREATE TRIGGER trigg1 after update on `transaction` for each row BEGIN CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tbl1( id_order int, id_product int, quantity int); update inventory i join tbl1 it using (id_product) set i.stock = i.stock - it.quantity where it.id_order = new.id_order; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tbl1; end $$ delimiter ;
But usually you make a temporaray atble with a select
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tbl1 SELECT id_order , id_product , quantity FROM ORDERS