I have a string that includes Chinese
characters in it. I want to calculate the length of the string but I want to count 1 Chinese
character equals to 3 characters.
Here are the strings and how I am counting length of strings.
SELECT LENGTH ('510-000897(PHCS-DS020G1EBONG-A231) on 0524 no cap ( all upper pin to 2.5mm , all') FROM dual
SELECT LENGTH ('510-000897(PHCS-DS020G1EBONG-A231)承認書.pdf') FROM dual
The first string returns length = 80
while the second string returns length = 41
But what I want is it should return length of second string = 47
as there are 3 Chinese
characters in the string and 1 should be equal to 3 so the length should be 47
Is it possible ?
If you want to length in Unicode characters you should use LENGTHC function.
SELECT LENGTHC('510-000897(PHCS-DS020G1EBONG-A231)承認書.pdf') FROM dual