There is a huge SQL table in Postgres Database. I’d like to copy the contents of it to another different database (SQL Server) using C++
. I have written a single-thread application and it works fine.
I decided to use multiple threads to increase the performance of reading and writing data. Here in the code below I execute the SELECT
query in order to get the data from one DB and write it into KeyValue
data structure, which holds the data intermediately. Then I form an INSERT
query for another DB and execute it.
I have parallelized writing into KeyValue
by dividing the data into multiple blocks.
void copy_table(dbName, ) {
// PostgreSQL
Postgres* pg = new Postgres();
int res = pg->Connect(dbName);
// define number of blocks the table is to be divided in
std::size_t blockNum = get_block_num(pg, dbName, copyTableName);
// select all the data from table
PGresult* pgres = nullptr;
std::string pqQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + copyTableName;
res = pg->Execute(pqQuery, &pgres);
// write the attribute names into a KeyValue store
int nFields = PQnfields(pgres);
std::vector<std::string> keys;
for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i++)
keys.push_back(std::string(PQfname(pgres, i)));
int nRows = PQntuples(pgres);
// Create a KeyValue store of size nFields * nRows with keys
KeyValue* keyValue = new KeyValue(nFields, nRows, keys);
// check hardware concurrency
int threadNum = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
if (threadNum < blockNum)
blockNum = threadNum;
// parse the data and write it into KeyValue store
std::vector<std::thread> v_thread(blockNum);
for (int i = 0; i < blockNum; ++i)
v_thread[i] = std::thread(get_value, i, i, nRows, nFields, blockNum, keyValue, pgres);
for (int i = 0; i < blockNum; ++i)
delete pg;
// SQL Server
OleDB* oleDBp = new OleDB(serverName, dataSource, userName, password);
std::string query{};
create_query(query, keyValue, values, replicaTableName, blockNum);
int result = oleDBp->Connect();
result = oleDBp->Execute(query);
delete oleDBp;
delete keyValue;
In get_data
each thread fills the KeyValue
with data in different blocks.
// get value by row
// thread routine function
void get_value(int tid, int block_counter, int nRows, int nFields, std::size_t block_num,
KeyValue* keyValue, PGresult* pgres)
for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i++) {
// read rows corresponding to certain block
for (int j = block_counter * (nRows / block_num); j < (std::size_t(block_counter) + 1) * (nRows / block_num); j++) {
char* value = PQgetvalue(pgres, j, i);
keyValue->insert(value, i + j * nFields);
- Is it possible to increase the performance of
query using multiple threads? The point is that it requires more queries to be executed and it might increase the latency. - The same question regarding
. In addition, is there any safety issues followed by insert operation? - Could you give some suggestions how to improve the performance? The approach I used in
does not seem to be extremely helpful.
Thanks in advance!
Start several threads or processes that each connect to both databases.
Start a
transaction to the source database in each thread.Use the snapshot synchronization functions so that all sessions see the same snapshot of the source database and get consistent data.
Have each session perform a query like
SELECT * FROM atable WHERE id % n = k;
is the number of threads andk
is the thread number.If you start all queries at about the same time, you will get synchonized sequential scans, which will cause each block to be read from storage only once.
Make sure that you insert rows into the target databases in transactions spanning some 1000 rows.