I have the following XML which I am trying to convert into a data frame in R or a table within SQL:
<Test_ID value="1" />
<Effective_Date value="2022-01-01" />
<Membership value="Yes" />
<Request_ID value="1" />
<Request_type value="Simple" />
<Request_ID value="2" />
<Request_type value="Complex" />
I’ve tried using XMLtoDataFrame (“xml” library) but this just creates a table without any values. Would anyone be able to help with this please? Open to a SQL solution.
Edit: I’m looking for my table to be in the following format table
Here’s an effort.
is always there, and always just oneProduct
can contain zero or more, so we’ll iterate smartly and combine- I do not assume that
are always perfectly aligned; it can be simplified (hard-coded fewer lines of code) if this is a guaranteed format.
Some helper functions:
func1 <- function(z) if (is.null(names(z))) attr(z, "value") else lapply(z, func1)
merge.list <- function(A, B) {
# normalize lengths, just in case, since I think you have more than one $Product
A <- lapply(A, `length<-`, max(lengths(A)))
B <- lapply(B, `length<-`, max(lengths(B)))
BnotA <- setdiff(names(B), names(A))
AnotB <- setdiff(names(A), names(B))
inboth <- intersect(names(A), names(B))
A[BnotA] <- replicate(length(BnotA), rep(NA, max(lengths(A))), simplify = FALSE)
A[AnotB] <- lapply(A[AnotB], function(z) c(z, rep(NA, max(lengths(B)))))
A[inboth] <- Map(c, A[inboth], B[inboth])
# library(xml2) # read_xml, as_list
L <- xml2::as_list(xml2::read_xml('
<Test_ID value="1" />
<Effective_Date value="2022-01-01" />
<Membership value="Yes" />
<Request_ID value="1" />
<Request_type value="Simple" />
<Request_ID value="2" />
<Request_type value="Complex" />
out <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(func1(L$Root), function(pr) {
as.data.frame(lapply(split(pr, names(pr)), function(Y) Reduce(merge.list, Y)))
# Effective_Date Membership Request.Request_ID Request.Request_type Test_ID
# Product.1 2022-01-01 Yes 1 Simple 1
# Product.2 2022-01-01 Yes 2 Complex 1
(It’s a “clean” data.frame
# 'data.frame': 2 obs. of 5 variables:
# $ Effective_Date : chr "2022-01-01" "2022-01-01"
# $ Membership : chr "Yes" "Yes"
# $ Request.Request_ID : chr "1" "2"
# $ Request.Request_type: chr "Simple" "Complex"
# $ Test_ID : chr "1" "1"