I am trying to wrap my head around creating this sequelize query.
SELECT dayofweek(datum) AS DOW, concat(DAY(datum), '-', MONTH(datum)) AS datum, ochtend, middag, avond FROM dbt.menus ORDER BY datum ASC LIMIT 5 OFFSET (variable in sequelize code);
I have been able to create 2 separate queries where the ‘order by filter’ works and ‘aliases’ work, but not combined.
This is what i currenty have in sequelize
const amount = await Menu.count(); const listOfMenu = await Menu.findAll({ order: [['datum', 'ASC']], offset: amount - 5, limit: 5, attributes: { include: [ [ Menu.sequelize.fn ( "DATE_FORMAT", Menu.sequelize.col("datum"), "%d-%m " ), "datum", ], ] } });
You just need to use fn
twice: in order
and in attributes
const datumExpression = Menu.sequelize.fn ( "DATE_FORMAT", Menu.sequelize.col("datum"), "%d-%m " ) const listOfMenu = await Menu.findAll({ order: [[datumExpression, 'ASC']], offset: amount - 5, limit: 5, attributes: { include: [ [ datumExpression, "datum", ], ] } });
Also you can combine findAll
and count
queries into one findAndCountAll
and you will get the result with two props: rows
and count
const { rows: listOfMenu, count: amount } = await Menu.findAndCountAll({ order: [[datumExpression, 'ASC']], offset: amount - 5, limit: 5, attributes: { include: [ [ datumExpression, "datum", ], ] } });