I have some data in an SQL table that is hashed, and am trying to convert these variables back to a string, however everything I get back is gibberish.
I have tried all suggestions on Stack Overflow, including removing all the sequential double zeros ’00’.
I don’t know what the unhash-ed variables look like, but I assume it will be a string variable. How would we even know where to start determining what sort of hash was applied to this field in the first place?
Any help or guidance is very appreciated.
My attempts so far have been:
SELECT CASE WHEN LEN(0x00007041673F000000007041B2060000) > 0 THEN convert(varchar(max), convert(varbinary(max), REPLACE( convert(varchar(max),0x00007041673F000000007041B2060000, 1) ,'00','' ) ,1) ,1) ELSE '' END ,CONVERT(varbinary(64),0x00007041673F000000007041B2060000, 1) ,CONVERT(varchar(64), 0x00007041673F000000007041B2060000, 1) ,CONVERT(varchar(64), 0x00007041673F000000007041B2060000, 2) --Other Hash Variables- --0x00007041673F000000007041B2060000 --0x0000C84271EB0000 --0x0000C842683F0000 --0x0000C842693F0000 --0x0000C842703F00000000C842775A0200 --0x0000A041873F00000000A041F9050000 --0x0000C842264000000000C842F04F0100 --0x000034427C400000000034426E4A0000
EDIT – Have also attempted BASE64 DECODE on SQL- https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/191273/decode-base64-string-natively-in-sql-server
SELECT CONVERT ( VARCHAR(MAX), CAST('' AS XML).value('xs:base64Binary(sql:column("BASE64_COLUMN"))', 'VARBINARY(MAX)') ) AS RESULT FROM ( SELECT '0x00007041673F000000007041B2060000' AS BASE64_COLUMN ) A
If this is really a hash value, there is no realistic chance to revert the value to its value.
But, looking at your values, I doubt, that these are really hash values. It is very unusual to get such close binary representations. Try to use any hash function against any value. You would not get results such similar…
Without any knowledge about your needs, you might try to take the binary value as any (16 byte?) type or chain of smaller types. Here I use BIGINT
(two 8-byte-values), you can try UNIQUEIDENTIFIER
, or you might take this as a chain of 16 1-byte values, a chain of 8 2-byte values or any other viable interpretation.
DECLARE @tbl TABLE(YourBinary VARBINARY(MAX)); INSERT INTO @tbl VALUES --Other Hash Variables- (0x00007041673F000000007041B2060000) ,(0x0000C84271EB0000 ) ,(0x0000C842683F0000 ) ,(0x0000C842693F0000 ) ,(0x0000C842703F00000000C842775A0200) ,(0x0000A041873F00000000A041F9050000) ,(0x0000C842264000000000C842F04F0100) ,(0x000034427C400000000034426E4A0000); SELECT DATALENGTH(YourBinary) AS TheByteLength ,CAST(YourBinary AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER) AS CastedToGuid ,A.* ,CAST(A.Left8 AS BIGINT) AS Left8_Bigint ,CAST(A.Right8 AS BIGINT) AS Right8_Bigint FROM @tbl CROSS APPLY(SELECT CONVERT(BINARY(8),LEFT(YourBinary,8),0) AS Left8 ,CASE WHEN DATALENGTH(YourBinary)=16 THEN CONVERT(BINARY(8),RIGHT(YourBinary,8),0) END AS Right8) A;
One guess: This might be a combined key of two numbers. Might be a tenant and a table key in a binary combination. It is obvious, that the values consist of very similar numbers. Those with 16 bytes include rather near values.
Left8_Bigint Right8_Bigint 123426207367168 123427461922816 220187704623104 NULL 220187542355968 NULL 220187559133184 NULL 220187676573696 220187795784192 176203302371328 176205211172864 220186435125248 220189825106176 57460157054976 57459922829312
It might help to tell us more about your problem’s background…
Taking this as chain of 4-byte-int-values returns rather interesting results:
SELECT CAST(Byte4_1 AS INT) ,CAST(Byte4_2 AS INT) ,CAST(Byte4_3 AS INT) ,CAST(Byte4_4 AS INT) FROM @tbl CROSS APPLY(SELECT CONVERT(BINARY(4),LEFT(YourBinary,4),0) AS Byte4_1 ,CONVERT(BINARY(4),SUBSTRING(YourBinary,5,4),0) AS Byte4_2 ,CONVERT(BINARY(4),SUBSTRING(YourBinary,9,4),0) AS Byte4_3 ,CONVERT(BINARY(4),SUBSTRING(YourBinary,13,4),0) AS Byte4_4) A;
The result
int1 int2 int3 int4 28737 1732182016 28737 -1308229632 51266 1911226368 0 0 51266 1748959232 0 0 51266 1765736448 0 0 51266 1883176960 51266 2002387456 41025 -2025914368 41025 -117112832 51266 641728512 51266 -263257856 13378 2084569088 13378 1850343424
int1 and int3 seems to be the same value. This points to any kind of combined key…