I have the following JSON:
DECLARE @json NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @json = N'[ {"@odata.context":"http://www.example.com","value":[ {"financialmovements_ID":1,"Data":"2020-02-10T00:00:00Z","ES":"E","Descriu00e7u00e3o":"FIV-005 3u00baTRM19/20","Valor":455.9700,"ActGlbActDescr":"Reg. Financ. Pag.","ActGlbContr":"FIV005","ActGlbContrDescr":"Cond FIV-005"}, {"financialmovements_ID":2,"Data":"2019-11-14T00:00:00Z","ES":"E","Descriu00e7u00e3o":"Pag. Cond FIV005","Valor":1958.6600,"ActGlbActDescr":"Reg. Financ. Pag.","ActGlbContr":"FIV005","ActGlbContrDescr":"Cond FIV-005"}]} ]'
I’m trying to convert to SQL as follows:
SELECT * FROM OPENJSON(@json, '$.value') WITH ( --financialmovements_ID INT '$.financialmovements_ID', Data DATETIME2 '$.Data', [E/S] NVARCHAR(max) '$.ES', DescTrs NVARCHAR(max) '$."Descriu00e7u00e3o"', Valor MONEY '$.Valor', ActGlbActDescr NVARCHAR(max) '$.ActGlbActDescr', ActGlbContr NVARCHAR(max) '$.ActGlbContr', ActGlbContrDescr NVARCHAR(max) '$.ActGlbContrDescr' );
All i get is an empty resultset (0 rows when it should be 2 rows), what am i doing wrong?
Your JSON has square brackets round the whole thing, meaning it is an array (it only has one element) so your OPENJSON starting point will have to be $[0].value