I have a table that contains a list of xml tags/values that I need to use to join to another table to retrieve their actual value and display the result as a csv list.
Example varchar data:
<choice id="100"/><choice id="101"/><choice id="102"/>
However, these values actually translate to other values: red, white, blue respectively. I need to convert that list to the following list:
As a recap, the “source” table column is varchar, and contains a list of xml attribute values, and those values translate to other values by joining to another table. So the other table has a primary key of id (int) with rows for 100,101,102. Each of those rows has values red,white,blue respectively. I hope this makes enough sense.
Here is the ddl to set up the scenario:
create table datatable(
id int,
data nvarchar(449)
primary key (id)
insert into datatable(id, data)
values(1,'<choice id="100"/><choice id="101"/><choice id="102"/>')
,(2,'<choice id="100"/>')
,(3,'<choice id="101"/>')
,(4,'<choice id="102"/>');
create table choicetable(
id int,
choicevalue nvarchar(449)
primary key (id)
insert into choicetable(id, choicevalue)
This would be the first time I’ve tried parsing XML in this manner so I’m a little stumped where to start. Also, I do not have control over the database I am retrieving the data from (3rd party software).
Without proper sample data it’s hard to give an exact query. But you would do something like this
- Use
to convert thevarchar
- Use
to shred the XML into separate rows. - Join using
to get theid
attribute - Group up, and concatenate using
. You may not needGROUP BY
depending on your situation.
STRING_AGG(ot.Value, ',')
FROM XmlTable xt
CROSS APPLY (SELECT CAST(xt.XmlColumn AS xml) ) v(XmlData)
CROSS APPLY v.XmlData.nodes('/choice') x1(choice)
JOIN OtherTable ot ON ot.Id = x1.choice.value('@id','int')
I would advise you to store XML data in an xml
typed column if at all possible.