I need to get this command:
SELECT '2021-02-17 13:46:00'::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'America/Denver' AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Berlin'
, '2021-02-26 13:46:00'::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'America/Denver' AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Berlin'
to work for an array (or in rows). Reason is that I have a lot of timestamps that need to be converted and if I use the above structure, I just end up adding lots of columns that my front-end can’t handle.
My current solution is to actually dump all of the timestamps into a table and use the set timezone ='';
command to set different timezones before I insert and before I select. Because of how often I have to do this request, I want to ideally use an array for the above command, so that I don’t need a dummy table, but also don’t have my results split into a new column each. I’ve tried the timezone()
function, but that one didn’t like arrays either. For both, I tried to “tell” psql that I’m inputting an array using various permutations of timestamptz []
, but none have worked and I wonder if both of these methods just don’t allow for what I want to do?
Alternatively I’d be happy with output in rows as well.
Thanks everyone in advance!
If you don’t mind multiple rows, then does this work for you?
select ts::timestamp at time zone 'America/Denver' at time zone 'Europe/Berlin'
from unnest(array['2021-02-17 13:46:00','2021-02-26 13:46:00']) as u(ts);
If it needs to be an array:
select array_agg(ts::timestamp at time zone 'America/Denver' at time zone 'Europe/Berlin')
from unnest(array['2021-02-17 13:46:00','2021-02-26 13:46:00']) as u(ts);