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Continue executing sql statements if error found python sqlite3

I have a file containing sql commands and I want to execute the commands given in the file and if any command throws any error then ignore the error and execute the next command. Here is a sample file:

drop table department;
drop table classroom;

create table classroom
    (building       varchar(15),
     room_number        varchar(7),
     capacity       numeric(4,0),
     primary key (building, room_number)

create table department
    (dept_name      varchar(20), 
     building       varchar(15), 
     budget             numeric(12,2) check (budget > 0),
     primary key (dept_name)

For eg. if the classroom table doesn’t exists then the drop table command will produce an error and the program will terminate. I want that the program keep running and execute all commands in the file.

The problem I’m facing is that the create table command is in multiple lines so I don’t know how to execute that.



Take a look at the sqlite3 manual:

import sqlite3
con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
cur = con.cursor()
with open('PATH_TO_SQL_FILE', 'r') as fp:
    text =';')
    for command in text:
       except sqlite3.Error:
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