I’m trying to run an INSERT query on TablePlus.
INSERT INTO minutes_clone (date, ticker, "lastTime", "openTime", date_time, group_type, "totalVolume", "totalPrice", "totalTrades")
VALUES('2021-07-02', 'YELP', '00:15:00', '00:00:00', '2021-07-02 00:00:00', 15, 0, 0, 0)
ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT minutes_clone_stick_tickers_unique
DO UPDATE SET "lastTime" = '00:15:00', "openTime" = '00:00:00', date_time = '2021-07-02 00:00:00', "totalVolume" = 0, "totalPrice" = 0, "totalTrades" = 0
Instead of the query sending a success message, I’m getting an ERROR: constraint “minutes_clone_stick_tickers_unique” for table “minutes_clone” does not exist.
Here is an image of my table structure.
to replicate:
CREATE TABLE "public"."minutes_clone" (
"ticker" varchar NOT NULL,
"totalTrades" int4 NOT NULL,
"totalPrice" numeric NOT NULL,
"totalVolume" int4,
"lastTime" time NOT NULL,
"openTime" time NOT NULL,
"date" date NOT NULL,
"group_type" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
"date_time" timestamp,
"parent_id" int4,
"id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('id_seq'::regclass),
CREATE INDEX "minutes_clone_ticker_group_date_index" ON "public"."minutes_clone" USING BTREE ("ticker","group_type","date_time");
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "minutes_clone_stick_tickers_unique" ON "public"."minutes_clone" USING BTREE ("date","ticker","openTime","group_type");
CREATE INDEX "minutes_clone_date_time_index" ON "public"."minutes_clone" USING BTREE ("date_time");
I’ve tried many things, like removing ON CONSTRAINT and dropping and re-adding the constraing but haven’t been able to solve this issue. Any solutions?
You are mixing up indexes and constraints. That is understandable, because a unique constraint is always implemented by a unique index, but they are still not the same.
To make your statement work, you need a unique constraint on top of the index you currently have. You can create that with:
ALTER TABLE public.minutes_clone
ADD UNIQUE USING INDEX minutes_clone_stick_tickers_unique;