How to get those entries which have more than 1 records?
If it doesn’t make sense… let me explain:
From the below table I want to access the sum of the commission of all rows where type is joining and “they have more than 1 entry with same downmem_id
I have this query but it doesn’t consider more entries scenario…
$search = "SELECT sum(commission) as income FROM `$database`.`$memcom` where type='joining'";
Here’s the table:
id mem_id commission downmem_id type time
2 1 3250 2 joining 2019-09-22 13:24:40
3 45 500 2 egbvegr new time
4 32 20 2 vnsjkdv other time
5 23 2222 2 vfdvfvf some other time
6 43 42 3 joining time
7 32 353 5 joining time
8 54 35 5 vsdvsdd time
Here’s the expected result: it should be the sum of the id no 2, 7 only ie. 3250+353=whatever.
It shouldn’t include id no 6 because it has only 1 row with the same downmem_id
Please help me to make this query.
Another approach is two levels of aggregation:
select sum(t.commission) income
from (select sum(case when type = 'joining' then commission end) as commission
from t
group by downmem_id
having count(*) > 1
) t;
The main advantage to this approach is that this more readily supports more complex conditions on the other members of each group — such as at most one “joining” record or both “joining” records and no more than two “vnsjkdv” records.