I have a table in a Postgres 11.3 database with a jsonb
Trying to update all objects inside a nested array name "iProps"
If the path {iProps -> value -> rules -> ao -> sc}
is an object, then the path should be updated from an object to a string with the value
{iProps -> value -> rules -> ao -> sc -> name}
If the path {iProps -> value -> rules -> ao -> sc}
is not present, then the object should be left unchanged.
Test setup with query: Fiddle link
Desired result:
{ "iProps": [ { "value": { "rules": [ { "ao": { "set": "get" }, "name": "PRule" }, { "ao": { "sc": "name1" } }, { "ao": { "sc": "name2" } }, { "ao": { "sc": "name3" } } ] } } ] }
I have modified the query and linked in the fiddle. Can someone take a look to see if it’s right?
A plain CASE
should make the difference.
UPDATE table_ t SET value_ = jsonb_set(value_, '{iProps}', sub2.new_prop, false) FROM ( SELECT id , jsonb_agg(jsonb_set(prop, '{value, rules}', new_rules, false) ORDER BY idx1) AS new_prop FROM ( SELECT t.id, arr1.prop, arr1.idx1 , jsonb_agg(CASE WHEN jsonb_typeof(rule #> '{ao,sc}') = 'object' THEN jsonb_set(rule, '{ao,sc}', rule #> '{ao,sc,name}', false) ELSE rule END ORDER BY idx2) AS new_rules FROM table_ t , jsonb_array_elements(value_->'iProps') WITH ORDINALITY arr1(prop,idx1) , jsonb_array_elements(prop->'value'->'rules') WITH ORDINALITY arr2(rule,idx2) GROUP BY t.id, arr1.prop, arr1.idx1 ) sub1 GROUP BY id ) sub2 WHERE t.id = sub2.id;
db<>fiddle here (Postgres 11!)
To also meet the second filter you added in the update (must be an object), check with jsonb_typeof()
The query in your fiddle seems needlessly complicated (tl;dr). Also, it does not preserve original order of array elements. If that’s in fact irrelevant, omit WITH ORDINALITY
and simplify further:
UPDATE table_ t SET value_ = jsonb_set(value_, '{iProps}', sub2.new_prop, false) FROM ( SELECT id , jsonb_agg(jsonb_set(prop, '{value, rules}', new_rules, false)) AS new_prop FROM ( SELECT t.id, prop , jsonb_agg(CASE WHEN jsonb_typeof(rule #> '{ao,sc}') = 'object' THEN jsonb_set(rule, '{ao,sc}', rule #> '{ao,sc,name}', false) ELSE rule END) AS new_rules FROM table_ t , jsonb_array_elements(value_->'iProps') prop , jsonb_array_elements(prop->'value'->'rules') rule GROUP BY t.id, prop ) sub1 GROUP BY id ) sub2 WHERE t.id = sub2.id;
db<>fiddle here
This typically still preserves the order of array elements (unlike your original). There’s just no guarantee with two levels of aggregation.
More advice in my answer to your earlier related question: