i have three tables in which one table have allotment_date.in this we have to make a condition that no of days between allotment_date-present date will be > 91 days.please help
If you want to ensure that allotment dates cannot be more than 91 days in the past (a bit of a guess – is that what you are asking?) then you would need a trigger:
create table demo ( allotment_date date );
create or replace trigger demo_allotment_date_90_day_trg before insert or update of allotment_date on demo for each row begin if :new.allotment_date < sysdate -91 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Allotment date must be within last 91 days'); end if; end;
This is allowed:
insert into demo(allotment_date) values (sysdate);
This will fail:
insert into demo(allotment_date) values (date '1900-12-25');
ORA-20000: Allotment date must be within last 91 days ORA-06512: at "WILLIAM.DEMO_ALLOTMENT_DATE_90_DAY_TRG", line 3 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'WILLIAM.DEMO_ALLOTMENT_DATE_90_DAY_TRG'