I’m trying to concatenate values onto one line, but only if the EEID is the same. I know how to concatenate values using Stuff, but I can’t seem to get it to work with only selective records.
For the table below I only want to concatenate eeid = 690.
My result should be:
('10218', '12321') declare @t table(companyid int, eeid int, claimid int) insert into @t values(11, 690, 10218), (11, 690, 12321), (11, 707, 21822), (11, 321, 21321) select * from @t select stuff((select ',' + cast(claimid as varchar(max)) from @t for xml path('')),1,1,'')
You need a correlated clause:
select e.eeid, stuff((select ',' + cast(claimid as varchar(max)) from @t t where t.eeid = e.eeid for xml path('') ), 1, 1, '' ) from (select distinct eeid from @t) e