let’s assume i have a large list of tables say :
%let y = jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
all these tables have the same column names and number of columns, i want to stack all these tables one under the other in one dataset
i tried to create a macro to do so (because i have multiple other lists that are larger than this but up until now i’ve failed to do so
%let y = jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec %macro con_tabs(in); %local i s; %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&in.,%str( ))); %let s&i.=%scan(&in.,&i.,%str( )); proc sql; create table tab&i. as select * from &&s&i...a union all select * from &&s&(i+1)...b; quit; %end; %mend con_tabs;
If you want to continue to use SQL for this task you will want to properly construct the SQL statement for many tabled UNION ALL
Do not iteratively ‘append’ one table at time using a single UNION ALL of the stack and next table. Instead do all stacking in a single SQL statement.
data t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6; retain x 1; run; %macro sql_stack(table_list=, out=); %local index table; proc sql; %do index = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&table_list)); %if &index = 1 %then CREATE TABLE &OUT AS /* sql code gen */ ; %else UNION ALL /* sql code gen */ ; %let table = %scan(&table_list, &index); SELECT "&table" as source, * FROM &table /* sql code gen */ %end; ; /* end code gen statement */ QUIT; %mend sql_stack; %sql_stack(table_list=t1 t2 t3 t4 t5, out=want);
Will code gen
CREATE TABLE want AS SELECT "t1" as source, * FROM t1 UNION ALL SELECT "t2" as source, * FROM t2 UNION ALL SELECT "t3" as source, * FROM t3 UNION ALL SELECT "t4" as source, * FROM t4 UNION ALL SELECT "t5" as source, * FROM t5 ; QUIT;