So I am able to query my JSON file fine then I wanted to add another field that is under a few levels and when I try to do this – it doesn’t work. What am I doing wrong?
So the following works correctly and gives me back the first level promoter id
Declare @JSON varchar(max) SELECT @JSON=BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:testtest.JSON', SINGLE_CLOB) import SELECT * FROM OPENJSON (@JSON,'$.events[0].promoters[0]') WITH ( [promoterid] varchar(10) '$' )
This does not work – I get all my fields back except that darn promoter id
Declare @JSON varchar(max) SELECT @JSON=BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:testtest.JSON', SINGLE_CLOB) import SELECT * FROM OPENJSON (@JSON,'$.events') WITH ( [venueName] varchar(20) '$.venue.venueName', [venueId] varchar(20) '$.venue.venueId', [legacyVenueId] varchar(20) '$.venue.legacyVenueId', [venueZipCode] varchar(20) '$.venue.venueZipCode', [venueStreet] varchar(50) '$.venue.venueStreet', [venueCity] varchar(20) '$.venue.venueCity', [venueStateCode] varchar(10) '$.venue.venueStateCode', [venueCountryCode] varchar(10) '$.venue.venueCountryCode', [minPrice] varchar(10) '$.minPrice', [promoterId] varchar(10) '$' )
answering my own question – I finally figured it out with help from this site –
This is what works –
Declare @JSON varchar(max) SELECT @JSON=BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:testtest.JSON', SINGLE_CLOB) import select json_value (c.value, '$.venue.venueName') as venueName, json_value (c.value, '$.venue.venueId') as venueID, json_value (p.value, '$') as promoterID from openjson(@json, '$.events') as c cross apply openjson (c.value, '$.promoters') as p