I would like to compare two arrays in two columns and in the third column return the number of the same strings within those two arrays.
|---------------------|------------------|------------------| | column 1 | column 2 | column 3 | |---------------------|------------------|------------------| | [cat, dog, bird] | [cat, bird] | 2 | |---------------------|------------------|------------------| | [cat, bear, tiger] | [tiger] | 1 | |---------------------|------------------|------------------| | [cat, tiger] | [tiger, cat] | 2 | |---------------------|------------------|------------------|
You can use unnest()
. Assuming that the individual arrays have no duplicates:
with t as ( select array['cat', 'dog', 'bird'] as column1, array['cat', 'bird'] as column2 union all select array['cat', 'bear', 'tiger'], array['tiger'] union all select array['cat', 'tiger'], array['tiger', 'cat'] ) select t.*, (select count(*) from unnest(column1) el1 join unnest(column2) el2 on el1 = el2 ) as column3 from t;