I have two scenarios of inserting json string. I check the json string is already exists or not using the below code and then I insert into the table
**Scenario - 1** declare @jsonStr nvarchar(max) = {"Manufacurer": "test", "Model": "A", "Color":"New Color","Thickness":"1 mm"} declare @SqlStr nvarchar(max), @counts int Select @dynamicFilter = Coalesce(@dynamicFilter,'') +' and Json_Value(ItemOfProduct,''$."'+ [key] +'"'') = ''' +[value]+'''' from openjson(jsonStr) set @SqlStr = 'select @cnt = count(*) from tblTest where '+@dynamicFilter Exec sp_executesql @SqlStr, N'@cnt int output', @cnt = @counts output if(@counts < 1) Begin //insert the data into the table End **Scenario - 2** set @jsonStr = {"Manufacurer": "test", "Model": "A", "Color":"New Color"} //Do the same above process of inserting
In the 2nd Scenario, my data is not getting inserted into table as the count is 1. But I want both the string in scenario 1 and 2 to be treated as different and both the data to be inserted into database.
I think the best solution here is actually to use JSON_QUERY instead of JSON_VALUE, since your keys may be dynamic. Once you switch to JSON_QUERY, you no longer need to execute dynamic SQL.
CREATE TABLE #tblTest ( id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) ,ItemOfProduct NVARCHAR(MAX) ); /*Scenario 1*/ DECLARE @jsonStr NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'{"Manufacturer": "test", "Model": "A", "Color":"New Color","Thickness":"1 mm"}'; DECLARE @counts INT; SELECT @counts = COUNT(*) FROM #tblTest WHERE JSON_QUERY(ItemOfProduct, '$') = JSON_QUERY(@jsonStr, '$'); IF(@counts < 1) BEGIN INSERT INTO #tblTest(ItemOfProduct) VALUES(@jsonStr); END; /*Scenario 2*/ SET @jsonStr = N'{"Manufacturer": "test", "Model": "A", "Color":"New Color"}'; SELECT @counts = COUNT(*) FROM #tblTest WHERE JSON_QUERY(ItemOfProduct, '$') = JSON_QUERY(@jsonStr, '$'); IF(@counts < 1) BEGIN INSERT INTO #tblTest(ItemOfProduct) VALUES(@jsonStr); END; SELECT * FROM #tblTest;