So I have one query that is performing one GROUP BY
that requires a lot of joining to get it to perform aggregation of a row count basically
SELECT ae.ServerName, Count(ccs.ApplicationID) [ComponentCount] FROM [dbo].[APM_CurrentComponentStatus] ccs JOIN [APM_Applications] ap ON ccs.ApplicationID = ap.ID JOIN [Nodes] node ON ap.NodeID = node.NodeID JOIN [Engines] e ON node.EngineID = e.EngineID JOIN [AllEngines] ae ON ae.EngineID = e.EngineID --WHERE ap.Unmanaged = 'False' GROUP BY ae.ServerName ORDER BY [Component Count] DESC
Then there is a similarly structured query but performing a different aggregation on a row count.
SELECT ae.servername, count(i.interfaceID) [InterfaceCount] FROM interfaces i JOIN [Nodes] node ON i.NodeID = node.NodeID JOIN [Engines] e ON node.EngineID = e.EngineID JOIN [AllEngines] ae ON ae.EngineID = e.EngineID group by ae.servername
How would you nest the second query into the first query so that the final columns would be something like
ServerName, ComponentCount, InterfaceCount
it seems like I’m missing something simple here but maybe not, maybe this is way beyond my capabilities.
I do not recommend this type of query, it is better to optimize it. Anyway, one of the methods of making the final result is as follows
Select q1.ServerName, q1.ComponentCount, q2.InterfaceCount From ( SELECT ae.ServerName, Count(ccs.ApplicationID) [ComponentCount] FROM [dbo].[APM_CurrentComponentStatus] ccs JOIN [APM_Applications] ap ON ccs.ApplicationID = ap.ID JOIN [Nodes] node ON ap.NodeID = node.NodeID JOIN [Engines] e ON node.EngineID = e.EngineID JOIN [AllEngines] ae ON ae.EngineID = e.EngineID --WHERE ap.Unmanaged = 'False' GROUP BY ae.ServerName ORDER BY [Component Count] DESC ) q1 Inner Join ( SELECT ae.servername, count(i.interfaceID) [InterfaceCount] FROM interfaces i JOIN [Nodes] node ON i.NodeID = node.NodeID JOIN [Engines] e ON node.EngineID = e.EngineID JOIN [AllEngines] ae ON ae.EngineID = e.EngineID group by ae.servername ) q2 on q1.ServerName = q2ServerName