I have a field in my SQL dataset that contains a comma-separated list of short 2-4 letter codes — let’s call this CodeField. I also have a multi-value Report Parameter whose available values are the full set of possible codes — CodeParam. Basically, in my SQL query, I need to include a WHERE condition that includes rows where any of the codes in CodeField have been selected in CodeParam.
My initial approach was to generate a condition (either via custom code, or a JOIN in an SSRS expression) of the following form:
([CodeField] LIKE '%AA%') OR ([CodeField] LIKE '%BB%') OR ..
(where AA, BB, .. are the values selected in CodeParam) and then include it as dynamic SQL as per this answer.
However, the comments there suggest that dynamically-generated SQL is usually the wrong way to go about things and that there’s probably a better way.
So, what’s the best way to solve this problem? Not overly concerned about performance of the query; I’m primarily looking for the simplest/cleanest effective solution.
So I’ll definitely mention that having a column that contains multiple data-points tends to not be ideal, for this exact reason.
Anyways, what I could recommend doing is something like the following:
- We assign every unique multi-value column a RowId.
- We split the column by delimiter (I used https://stackoverflow.com/a/28153222/1470896, but there are better ways to do this via stored procedure).
- We do a match using IN, and keep the distinct RowIds that match
- We filter the original results set by the matching RowIds
Here’s an example
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Temp') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Temp SELECT * , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY NEWID()) AS RowId INTO #Temp FROM (VALUES ('abc,def,ghi,jkl'), ('mno,pqr,stu,vwx')) AS MyTable(MyColumn); WITH StringSplitWithRowId AS ( SELECT RowId , LTRIM(RTRIM(Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)'))) 'Value' FROM ( SELECT RowId , CAST('<M>' + REPLACE( MyColumn, ',', '</M><M>') + '</M>' AS XML) AS Data FROM #Temp ) a CROSS APPLY Data.nodes ('/M') AS Split(a) ), RowIdsToInclude AS ( SELECT DISTINCT RowId FROM StringSplitWithRowId WHERE Value IN (@SsrsReportParameter) -- query will not work in ssms, needs to be run in RS ) SELECT * FROM #Temp t INNER JOIN RowIdsToInclude i ON t.RowId = i.RowId