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Check in T-SQL whether certain value sets exist in a related table

I have following tables:

User – userId, userName, …

Settings – settingId, userId, settingKey, settingValue

for example for userId = 123, I might have:

Then for example how can I query for all users that have settingValue of “0” corresponding to settingKey of “allowClient” and settingValue of “1” corresponding to settingKey of “allowAccess”? Sometimes the settingKey and settingValue that I’m looking for might not even be there for a particular user, in which case, I would just want to ignore those users.

My “attempt”:

this doesn’t work for obvious reason because it’s putting AND on all the conditions. I’m not aware of any sql construct that can get around this and allow me to just say what I actually want.



Your first attempt doesn’t work because the WHERE clause check each row one at a time. And no single row fulfils all of those conditions at once.

So, you could use an EXISTS() check on each of the two keys, for a very literal expression of your problem…

Depending on data characteristics, you may benefit from a single sub-query instead of two EXISTS() checks.

This is closer to what you were trying to do.

  • Filter to get two rows per user (using OR instead of AND)
  • Aggregate back down to a single row and check if both conditions were met

(But I’d go with two EXISTS() first, and let the optimiser do its work.)

Finally, you could just join twice, which is functionally similar to the double-exists check, but shorter code, though not always as performant.

Using the two different aliases prevents ambiguity (which would cause an error).

It does assume that the joins will only ever find 0 or 1 rows, if they can find many, you get duplication. EXISTS() doesn’t have that problem.

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