I wanted to check if for one particular student my column (Amount
) contains a value less than 10, and if yes, then check if for the same student my column (Amount
) is also greater than 10 and update the column new
accordingly in PostgreSQL.
MY table:
Tried this way but not working
update table t1 set "New"='pass'
where cast("Amount" as numeric) <= 10 and cast("Amount" as numeric) > 10
The output I’m expecting:
One option is to self-join the table with an aggregate subquery, and then do a conditional assignment in the outer query:
update t1
set new = case when min_amount <= 10 and max_amount > 10 then 'pass' else 'not pass' end
from (
select name, min(amount::numeric) min_amount, max(amount::numeric) max_amount
from t1
group by name
) t2
where t1.name = t2.name
name | amount | new :---- | :----- | :------- Harry | 3 | pass Harry | 50 | pass Ron | 5 | not pass