I’ve a unique index (UQ_index1) created using
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UQ_index1 on product_table ( column1, column2 ) INCLUDE ( column3 ) WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION=PAGE) ON scheme_Product(column1)
- Somehow my table is messed and I’ve few duplicate rows in table. How can I create a query that will help me get the duplicate items with combination of three columns (column1, column2, column3) in the product_table
- What is the suggested ways to get ride of duplicate key situation?
I think a simple group by query should be sufficient to return the duplicates
SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM product_table GROUP BY column1, column2, column3 HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
But I am not sure what you mean by duplicates, as your unique index does not allow duplicates.