I have the following case statement;
case when ( CASE WHEN datediff(year,view_3.[PERSON BIRTH DATE], @ReportPeriodStartDate) >= 19 AND view_3.[NI NUMBER] IS NOT NULL THEN '' ELSE view_3.[NI NUMBER] END ) = 0 then '' else view_3.[NI NUMBER] END AS [NI NUMBER],
I would like it to return
Birthddate NI Number 14/04/2012 9000 06/05/2020 2000 01/01/2001 22/12/1998
But the output I am getting is;
Birthddate NI Number 14/04/2012 9000 06/05/2020 2000 01/01/2001 0 22/12/1998 0
I dont want the zeros, I would like the empty string.
You want to return a string, so you need to cast the else
else cast(view_3.[NI NUMBER] as varchar(255))