I have the following table
Based on the transaction_DT: if the transaction between 04:00:00 PM to 08:00:00 AM + next day get “After Hour”
Between 08:00:00 AM to 04:00:00 PM within same day get “Working Hour”
Using the case statement it is not works!
CASE WHEN ( Transacton_DT >= TO_DATE ('4:00:00 PM', 'HH:MI:SS PM') AND Transacton_DT <= TO_DATE ('11:59:00 PM', 'HH:MI:SS PM') ) OR ( Transacton_DT >= TO_DATE ('12:01:00 AM', 'HH:MI:SS AM') AND Transacton_DT <= TO_DATE('8:00:00 AM', 'HH:MI:SS AM') ) THEN 'After Hour' ELSE 'Working Hour' END AS "Shift"
Hmmm . . . how about something like this:
(case when to_char(transaction_dt, 'HH24:MI') between '08:00' and '16:00' then 'Working hours' else 'After hours' end)
Your code doesn’t work because you are comparing a value with a time component only (well a default date component) to one with a date component.