I have written a stored procedure that basically loops over an array of fields
and performs some manipulation in the db for each iteration. What I want to achieve is, either all the iterations of loops should occur or neither one of them should occur.
So let’s say there were 5 elements in the fields array and the loop iterates up to the 3rd element before noticing that some condition is true and throwing an error, I want to rollback all the changes that occurred during the first 2 iterations. I’ve used ROLLBACK
statements to achieve the same, but every time it reaches the ROLLBACK
statement it throws the following error:
Cannot rollback while a subtransaction is active : 2D000
Surprisingly, it works as normal if I comment out the outobj := json_build_object('code',0);
statement within the EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN
block or if I remove that whole block completely.
I’ve checked the PostgreSQL documentation for error codes, but it didn’t really help. My stored procedure is as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.usp_add_fields( field_data json, INOUT outobj json DEFAULT NULL::json) LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_user_id bigint; farm_and_bussiness json; _field_obj json; _are_wells_inserted boolean; BEGIN -- get user id v_user_id = ___uf_get_user_id(json_extract_path_text(field_data,'user_email')); IF(v_user_id IS NULL) THEN outobj := json_build_object('code',17); RETURN; END IF; -- Loop over entities to create farms & businesses FOR _field_obj IN SELECT * FROM json_array_elements(json_extract_path(field_data,'fields')) LOOP -- check if irrigation unit id is already linked to some other field IF(SELECT EXISTS( SELECT field_id FROM user_fields WHERE irrig_unit_id LIKE json_extract_path_text(_field_obj,'irrig_unit_id') AND deleted=FALSE )) THEN outobj := json_build_object('code',26); -- Rollback any changes made by previous iterations of loop ROLLBACK; RETURN; END IF; -- check if this field name already exists IF( SELECT EXISTS( SELECT uf.field_id FROM user_fields uf INNER JOIN user_farms ufa ON (ufa.farm_id=uf.user_farm_id AND ufa.deleted=FALSE) INNER JOIN user_businesses ub ON (ub.business_id=ufa.user_business_id AND ub.deleted=FALSE) INNER JOIN users u ON (ub.user_id = u.user_id AND u.deleted=FALSE) WHERE u.user_id = v_user_id AND uf.field_name LIKE json_extract_path_text(_field_obj,'field_name') AND uf.deleted=FALSE )) THEN outobj := json_build_object('code', 22); -- Rollback any changes made by previous iterations of loop ROLLBACK; RETURN; END IF; --create/update user business and farm and return farm_id CALL usp_add_user_bussiness_and_farm( json_build_object('user_email', json_extract_path_text(field_data,'user_email'), 'business_name', json_extract_path_text(_field_obj,'business_name'), 'farm_name', json_extract_path_text(_field_obj,'farm_name') ), farm_and_bussiness); IF(json_extract_path_text(farm_and_bussiness, 'code')::int != 1) THEN outobj := farm_and_bussiness; -- Rollback any changes made by previous iterations of loop ROLLBACK; RETURN; END IF; -- insert into users fields INSERT INTO user_fields (user_farm_id, irrig_unit_id, field_name, ground_water_percent, surface_water_percent) SELECT json_extract_path_text(farm_and_bussiness,'farm_id')::bigint, json_extract_path_text(_field_obj,'irrig_unit_id'), json_extract_path_text(_field_obj,'field_name'), json_extract_path_text(_field_obj,'groundWaterPercentage'):: int, json_extract_path_text(_field_obj,'surfaceWaterPercentage'):: int; -- add to user wells CALL usp_insert_user_wells(json_extract_path(_field_obj,'well_data'), v_user_id, _are_wells_inserted); END LOOP; outobj := json_build_object('code',1); RETURN; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise notice '% : %', SQLERRM, SQLSTATE; outobj := json_build_object('code',0); RETURN; END; $BODY$;
Based on the clue provided by @Laurez Albe, I came up with a cleaner way to solve the above problem.
Basically, what I’ve done is, I’ve raised a custom exception
whenever a condition is true
. So when an exception is thrown, all the changes made by block X
are rolled back gracefully. I can even perform last minute cleanup within the exception conditional blocks.
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure mProcedure(INOUT resp json DEFAULT NULL::JSON) LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS $BODY$ DECLARE field_data json := '{ "fields": [1,2,3,4,5] }'; _field_id int; BEGIN -- Start of block X FOR _field_id IN SELECT * FROM json_array_elements(json_extract_path(field_data,'fields')) LOOP INSERT INTO demo VALUES(_field_id); IF(_field_id = 3) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION USING ERRCODE='22013'; END IF; IF(_field_id = 5) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION USING ERRCODE='22014'; END IF; END LOOP; SELECT json_agg(row_to_json(d)) INTO resp FROM demo d; RETURN; -- end of block X -- if an exception occurs in block X, then all the changes made within the block are rollback -- and the control is passed on to the EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS block. EXCEPTION WHEN sqlstate '22013' THEN resp := json_build_object('code',26); WHEN sqlstate '22014' THEN resp := json_build_object('code',22); END; $BODY$;