I have this query: Wherein I have to calculate the time difference in Days:Hours:min:sec format
Declare @t table (ID int, starttime datetime,EndTime Datetime) Insert into @t values (1,'2019-11-16 09:39:04.000','2019-11-16 13:43:40.000') Insert into @t values (1,'2019-11-16 16:49:42.000','2019-11-18 18:02:58.000') select convert(varchar(550),DateDiff(day, starttime, EndTime)%3600)+'D : '+convert(varchar(5),DateDiff(s, starttime, EndTime)/3600%24)+'H : '+convert(varchar(5),DateDiff (s,starttime, EndTime)%3600/60)+'M : '+convert(varchar(5),(DateDiff(s, starttime, EndTime)%60)) +'S' as Duration from @t
Duration 0D : 4H : 4M : 36S 2D : 1H : 13M : 16S
My question is, how to calculate the sum of the 2 rows?
My desired output is:
Duration 2D : 5H : 17M : 52S
Find the difference in second & do aggregation :
declare @seconds int select @seconds = sum(datediff(second, starttime, EndTime)) from @t select convert(varchar(255), (@seconds / 86400)) + 'D:' + convert(varchar(255), ((@seconds % 86400) /3600)) + 'H:'+ convert(varchar(255), (((@seconds % 86400) % 3600) / 60)) + 'M:'+ convert(varchar(255), (((@seconds % 86400) % 3600) % 60)) + 'S' as Duration